We are excited to have Neena MacKinnon join our team!
Research about Cannabis use in pregnancy!
Top Research papers of 2020 – according to CanFASD!
Yukon Wanderers! Exhibition at the Yukon Arts Centre (April 11 – May 30, 2021)
The Yukon Wanderers project was funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, Digital Strategy Fund. It ran from 2019-2021. It provided training and capacity building in digital arts for two organizations in Whitehorse that support people with FASD: Options for Independence, and the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society of the Yukon (FASSY). It included workshops held in Whitehorse by visiting artists Rebecca Caines and Michelle Stewart, resourcing the partners with new digital equipment, and building new kinds of training and support for staff and peer leaders. When COVID-19 happened, we had to find new remote ways to work together across a range of digital platforms. It is part of a Canada-wide project called “multiPLAY: Digital Community Engagement with Canadian Improvisers”. Click here to check out all the different multiPLAY projects by visiting the multiPLAY website. The drop-in workshops, exhibitions and art workshops were also supported by other partners, including a national research partnership called the International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation (IICSI). Click here to find out more about IICSI’s improvisation art and research.
Lead Artists from the multiPLAY project
Michelle Stewart & Rebecca Caines (click here to learn more about their work)
FASSY Turns 25!
FASSY asks you to join us in celebrating 25 years of supporting people living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Yukon. We are delighted with the support that has enabled us to get to this significant milestone. We have so many people to thank for this support over the years, starting with the people who use our service, their families and support groups, so many other allied non-profits and service providers, and of course, the various governments and individuals who fund us to provide this support.
FASSY started as a result of many conversations over a kitchen table and was initially the Alcohol-Related Birth Defects Committee of the Yukon Association of Community Living (now Inclusion Yukon) and we are so grateful to them for helping us to get up and running. On February 19, 1996, FASSY became incorporated as a separate society. Over the past 25 years, FASSY has been able to provide much-needed support to people living with FASD, including daily support in problem-solving, relationships, finances, recreation and leisure, food and housing; supporting women to have healthy pregnancies; participating in cultural activities and ceremonies; accessing assessments and diagnoses; accessing and maintain stable housing; support in court and family services; and providing education and awareness about FASD. Plan, addressing issues of concern for people living in the Yukon about FASD. We have also been active partners with the “Safe at Home” action plan that is working to address homelessness within the Yukon and is supported by the federal program called Reaching Home. We have been able to create a partnership within the Community of Watson Lake to bring systems navigation to people who would like support through funding from Kids Brain Health Network (KBHN), the federal Reaching Home program, and the Government of Yukon. While we have accomplished a great deal over the past 25 years, there is still a great deal of work ahead of us to support all adults, children, and families to have a reliable and good quality of life. You can support the continued good work of FASSY by volunteering on the Board or for activities, donating to FASSY’s general fund, or donating to the Bill it Forward Fund [which helps individuals who wish to pursue a program or educational opportunity (academic, artistic or other); obtain job-related assistance (resume development, bus pass and/or other); or require emergency assistance (food, housing and/or other)]. Charitable donations can be made by using the donation button on our home paged.
We are celebrating quietly in the office with people using our service as they come in — a gift to them, a cupcake, and balloons fill out our celebration!
Alcohol affects a teenager’s brain development!
DR. Tam talks about alcohol use for the new Year!
New Research — A Systematic Review of Interventions to Improve Mental Health and Substance Use Outcomes for Individuals with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Whats new in the research on FASD ! Can/FASD Oct 2020
International FASD Awareness Day — Today – September 9th!
FASSY staff is the recipient of Fireweed Heroes pins!
CanFASD COVID 19 Supporting Communities Statement
A new wave of thinking on how to work with those who live with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) has arrived in the Northwest Territories.
A Mosaic of Options: A Housing Continuum for People with FASD
The Government of Yukon, the FASD Interagency Advisory Committee and the Canada Northwest FASD Partnership:
A Mosaic of Options: A Housing Continuum for People with FASD
FASD Symposium, March 3 & 4, 2020
Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre, Whitehorse, Yukon
New Van for FASSY!
FASSY gives a big thank you to the Whitehorse Rendezvous club for their generous donation – your consideration and thoughtfulness is very much appreciated. We also give a big thank you to Driving Forces for making the van a reality – the time you spent in discussion and research to find us this great van is appreciated!
One person commented that “I feel special in this van!”