FASD - Local Resources
FASSY has a variety of resources for people with FASD, their caregivers and professionals who work with FASD:
Resource Library
We have many good books in our library that you may find helpful. You are welcome to come in and take a look.
FASSY has published a booklet called Trying Differently: Strategies for Living with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. This booklet provides concrete strategies for living with FASD. Booklets are available to order through FASSY. Call us at 867-393-4948 or use our Trying Differently Order Form to place an order.
Yukon College Courses
FASSY is working with the Northern Institute of Social Justice to deliver FASD Core Competency training. These courses provide participants with essential understanding of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders as a brain-based condition that challenges current ways of understanding behaviour and thinking about support and intervention.
Please contact FASSY at 867-393-4948 for the latest course schedule.
Caregiver Support GroupJoin us for the Caregiver Support Group held on the fourth Thursday of every month.
The support group starts at 6:30pm and is held at the FASSY office (4141-4th avenue, Whitehorse).
For more information call us at (867) 393-4948 or see our Calendar of Events page.
Come share your experiences, wisdom and knowledge.
Educational Workshops
FASSY provides specifically designed workshops in a variety of areas related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder education.
FASSY will tailor training to meet the needs of your organization. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions, ideas, or to schedule a consultation. You can reach us at 867-393-4948.
The Child Development Centre
The Child Development Centre and Yukon Education work together to provide diagnostic and support services for Yukon children and youth from birth to 18 years of age. CDC provides multidisciplinary assessment and diagnostic services for children and youth with complex needs including those who have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). They also offer suggestions for intervention and long term planning, as well as support for children/youth and their families including facilitating access (or connection) to other support services. For more information on this resource, please call 867-456-8182 ext. 193 or visit www.cdcyukon.ca/ourprograms/fasdservices.html
Options for Independence Society
Options for Indepedence Society offers supportive independent housing for people with FASD. The 14 unit building is located in Whitehorse and includes supports such as affordable rent, connections to community resources, and other on-site support. For more information please call (867) 633-4164.
For Adult Assessment of FASD
Developmental Diagnostic and Support Clinic (DDSC) is a Whitehorse-based Adult Assessment Team for FASD diagnosis developed in 2014. The team is coordinated by the Yukon Government's Services to Person's with Disabilities program, and provides FASD assessments that are administered by local medical and psychological professionals, with the assistance of a Clinic Coordinator. For more information, please call 867-667-3626.
FASD - National Resources
We have compiled some of the best resources for research, further learning and the latest news across the country.
The Asante CentreThis website is dedicated to providing up-to-date resources in the field of brain-based disabilities including information and events listings, as well as print and video resources.
The Provincial Outreach Program for FASD (POPFASD)POPFASD shares current research, ideas, strategies, training and resources in order to build capacity in school districts for students with FASD and their teachers.
Know FASDThis site introduces the neuro-behavioural difficulties that may appear throughout the lifespan. Learn about the effects of FASD and the interventions available to support individuals affected by prenatal alcohol exposure.
FAS WorldFAS World Provides support and information to parents, caregivers, and professionals dealing with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), as well as individuals living with FASD. www.fasworld.com
FASD Child WelfareThe website is designed to promote and facilitate knowledge exchange of all registered interested parties via blogs, discussion forums, sharing recent projects, research reports, and links to important resources in the field of FASD and child welfare.
Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental HealthCAMH is Canada's largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital, as well as one of the world's leading research centres in the area of addiction and mental health. A great resource for issues related to FASD. www.camh.ca
FASD and JusticeThis site provides legal information and resources about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), including background information, case law, legal resources and strategies for effective intervention.
FASD AlbertaFASD Alberta is a Government site with information on FASD, including a learning series, videos, news, resources and publications.
FASD Alberta
FASD - Publications and Research
Here you will find some excellent resources, such as handbooks for caregivers and professionals, research papers and other educational materials.
Canada FASD Research Network
Canada’s first comprehensive National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) research network. Includes a research library accessible to the public, links to events and conferences, and information on the new Canadian Guidelines. www.canfasd.ca
For a list of their top 10 publications, please see this Link. And for online learning, see: https://canfasd.ca/online-learners/
Strategies Not Solutions
This guidebook is designed for Caregivers and Professionals who, in their everyday lives, encounter children and youth affected by FASD. PDF Link
Kids Brain Health Network
Kids Brain Health Network (KBHN; formerly NeuroDevNet) was established in 2010 and funded by the NCE program as a network of researchers and clinicians seeking to understand brain development, with the specific goal of mobilizing this knowledge to improve the lives of children living with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families. https://kidsbrainhealth.ca/
FASD: A Guide to Awareness
This guide provides basic information about FASD for a variety of readers, including parents, frontline workers and members of the general public. PDF Link
Just Released - New Book on FASDFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Adults: Ethical and Legal Perspectives. This book discusses and provides insight on the legal and ethical dilemmas of managing those with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Please see this website: FASD in Adults: Ethical and Legal Perspectives
FASD - International Organizations
Here are just a few excellent international resources, from the United States and abroad.
National Organization on FAS
NOFAS is an international non-profit organization providing resources, education, advocacy and support for people affected by FASD.
SAF France
French-language speaking organization for FASD. http://saffrance.com/
SAMHSA FASD Center for Excellence The FASD Center is devoted to raising awareness of FASD and providing FASD information and resources for providers and the public.
NOFASD AustraliaNOFASD Australia is the national peak organisation representing the interests of individuals and families living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders(FASD).
Live AbilitiesAn American organization that provides hope for children, teens, and adults living, laughing, learning and loving through the challenges before birth, including alcohol exposure and other toxins.
FASD - Links to Videos and Webinars
Here you will find some excellent videos and webinars for learning more about FASD.
National Organization on FASNOFAS has a number of excellent videos and webinars posted on Youtube. Please click www.nofas.org/video for videos and www.nofas.org/nofas-webinar-series for webinars.
FASD - Finding HopeThe Knowledge Network's 'Finding Hope' series has a variety of documentaries that look at a full range of issues related to FASD. Please see
POPFASDThe Provincial Outreach Program is host to many E-Learning videos on FASD.
Please see their website for the full learning series:
Fetal Alcohol Disorders AssociationAn Australian organization that has produced a number of very informative videos on a wide range of issues related to FASD.